The new generation of POS software from DICO

DICO WaVe is a comprehensive software package for managing carwashes and carwash chains. It serves both the cash operation and customer loyalty through a card system with bonus system. Consisting of 4 modules, the scope of services can be adapted to your individual wishes and needs.

DICO WaVe now supports you even better in your customer retention! Send SMS or emails with current or short-term offers or write serial letters and faxes to corporate customers directly from the program! With just a few clicks you can compile recipient lists and texts of the action. At the same time, the wizard helps you to prepare a success control.
Likewise, the customers can be contacted with an app via push message.

Car wash management by DICO GmbH.

  • ... simple operation
  • ... more facts
  • ...more backgrounds


  • WashControl and WaVe have an active exchange of information via the in-house network.

Your advantages

  • Analysis of money movements
  • Employee management
  • Resources Planning
  • Control success
  • Evaluation marketing actions
  • Monthly bills and direct debit options instead of just prepaid cards
  • Track recharges
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Document Management System
  • EC card - connection bidirectional / in both directions
  • Mobile variant


DICO WaVe POS - The POS terminal

The WaVePOS module includes all functions for modern and professional cash register operation.

The cash register can be operated using the touchscreen alone. The program navigation is intuitive, easy to learn and designed for extensive even automated support of the user. At any given time, only those program elements are available that are actually necessary. In addition, entries can be checked for plausibility, e.g. to catch amounts that are too high because of a typo - of course, the amount is adjustable. Operating errors are thus greatly reduced. This operating concept makes the cash register child's play even for inexperienced PC users and even novices, as practice has already shown.

Cash operation

Based on this system, the process is also optimized. So 2 clicks on the screen are enough to process a complete BAR transaction. From starting the transaction to printing the receipt, opening the cash drawer and transferring the program to the PLC! In the case of a transaction with a customer card, the barcode must also be scanned. One more step - but also a lot of information about your counterpart. The customer info displayed after the scan shows the user

  • starting from the name,
  • The address
  • about possible special conditions
  • also the date of birth - highlighted for birthday of course
  • and the history with the last visits incl. period and washing program.

In this way, the customer can be addressed, advised and supported in a targeted manner. The WaVe rule and discount system supports the cashier even further. Possible discounts, special conditions or rules are clearly displayed by name. In the case of discounts for card customers, for example, the reduced prices are displayed next to the original prices of the items and are further highlighted in color. Messages, notes or other information - stored in the administration - can also be displayed to the cashier for the respective customer.

Other cash register functions

In addition to the sale of washing programs and, if applicable, other items, numerous additional options and functions are available to you. For example, among other things, it is possible to

  • Redeem vouchers
  • Print account statements for card customers
  • Perform recharges on cards
  • Reprint receipts from transactions that have already been completed
  • Issue BAR receipts with a customer address
  • Accept payments as CASH, with customer card or various credit or EC cards - also mixed
  • Display faults from PLC

Internal functions

In addition to this extensive range of options for customer operations, (Wave POS) also has numerous functions for in-house operations. Thus, the program hosts a menu with so-called employee functions, which is available after scanning an employee card:

  • Signing in/out of cashiers with their own respective cash drawers.
  • the recording of employee attendance (2x employee card scanning - once in the morning, once in the evening - done!)
  • Posting of cash withdrawals
  • Carrying out interim emptying and final cash closings
  • Recording of the weather (in order to be able to put sales figures in relation to this in the evaluation)
  • Card application input
  • Debit laundry for employees
DICO WaVe BackOffice
The management

The management module that really packs a punch.

  • Management
  • Tasks
  • The program has a wide range of functions that make it easier for the user to operate the car wash.


The administrative functions are used, for example, to manage

  • Contacts and cards
  • Articles and article groups
  • Rules, coupons and recharge bonuses
  • Customer groups and conditions
  • Financial objects such as cash drawers or banks
  • Counters
  • Event markers
  • Marketing actions
  • Text modules


Various functions and wizards are available in the task section. For example for

  • Invoice run
  • Money transfers
  • Cash closing control
  • Marketing actions (via SMS, email, serial letter/fax)
  • Cards
  • Work and absence recording (e.g. vacation, illness)
  • Weather and meter reading
  • as well as of events for the action success controls


The "Evaluations" area supports the user with numerous statistics on a wide variety of areas, such as

  • the sales overview, which provides the user with information on sales figures for the individual item and item groups. With or without differentiation between card and cash payments and the option of simultaneous daily, period and hourly display, whether as an individual location overview or as a location comparison option. The data is supplemented by graphical evaluations with quantity comparisons as pie charts or also as trending in the form of line charts over longer periods of time.
  • Cash Report provides a hierarchical overview of sales, receipts, expenses and cash transfers depending on the period and cash drawer.
  • Statistics on recharges and cancellations
  • Transaction log, a detailed 1:1 copy of the processes at the cash register
  • Weather report in list and trending form
  • Action success control to evaluate whether marketing actions have had an effect
  • Meter data
  • Employee presence

More functions

In addition to these functions, the system also offers

  • Complete help system ("F1") with detailed descriptions of all functions and instructions for procedures
  • a global full text search
  • an individual workspace for each user
  • Favorites and history function
  • Detailed security settings for user and user groups
  • Excelexport for all list views
  • Extensive setting options to adapt the program to site topology and user requirements
  • Multilanguage in (so far) DE, NL, EN and FR. Any other language can be deposited by yourself
The control connection

This module enables the connection of the WaVe system to the washing line control system

This optional module enables the connection of the WaVe system to the washing line control.

For complete DICO systems, of course, to DICO Wash Control (from version 4.0).

However, connections to other control systems such as WashTec or Istobal are also possible.

In addition to the connection of the car wash to the system, the use of the customer cards at suction and self-service boxes is also possible in connection with Wash Control!

DICO WaVe is thus the only industry solution whose back-office functions can also be used to their full extent in the self-service and vacuum sector.

Your advantage:

  • No separate operation via console
  • Operation of the system via cash register functions
  • Message/problem transmission from controller to cash register (e.g. chemical level low)
  • Control by comparison of WaVe figures with control counters

DICO WaVe XChange

Data exchange

This module is intended for use in carwash networks or branch operations and is used for networking and data exchange between the branches. And that in almost real time.

DICO WaVe XChange

This optional module is intended for use in carwash networks or branch operations and is used for networking and data exchange between the branches.
And that in almost real time!

Your advantage:

  • Control and manage many assets from one central location
  • Rapid availability of new data/updating of existing information
  • Decentralized data backup through constant exchange

DICO WaVe POS as EC & Credit Card Terminal

Thanks to smarti from ecs/Syländer, DICO WaVe POS now also functions as a credit card and EC terminal!

This means that EC/credit card bookings and POS transactions no longer run separately next to each other, but are now linked to one process. Instead of selecting the card type (giro, VISA, Mastercard) on the checkout screen as before, the card now only has to be swiped through the reader.

And the combinations of payment method and means are absolutely flexible!

Possible payment methods to choose from are:

  • Giro cards (national and international)
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • Amex
  • Diners
  • JCB

Also newly added are fleet cards from:

  • DKV
  • UTA
  • novofleet

If you want to be on the safe side regarding payment guarantee, then use Giro-cash. For this purpose, a security-certified PinPAD is used to enter the PIN.

Some of your advantages at a glance:

  • Cash transaction and card booking now run together in one step.
    That means fewer steps and fewer sources of operator error. The interface transmits the card type to the cash register and the latter automatically completes the transaction on the screen - or cancels and refuses the card payment even if the card is blocked or invalid.
  • Cash cut together with cashier closing
    Previously also two steps; now combined: perform a cashier closing and automatically the cash cut for the card payments is done at the same time.
  • Less material consumption.
    Instead of a card terminal with an integrated printer, you only need the regular receipt printer - and therefore only one receipt roll type!
  • Lower transaction costs
    A conventional card terminal dials into the data center via ISDN or GSM for each online booking, thereby incurring fees each time. This item is eliminated when transactions are encrypted over the Internet with smarti. So if you have a DSL flat rate, you've already started saving!

Thus, thanks to smarti from ecs/Syländer, DICO WaVe is the only software in the car wash industry that directly connects cash register and card transactions! And this at more than favorable conditions!!!

Call us, send us a Email or fill out our Contact form off.

The new virtual customer card from DICO

Das Handbuch zur App können Sie >> HIER << lesen!

This is available as part of a smartphone app for your location(s) and offers you and your customers the following benefits:

  • The customer card is always with you
    • the plastic card is no longer mandatory
  • Pay easily via app at the checkout/suction/SB box
    • a scan like a "normal" customer card, but with a barcode specially protected against misuse
  • The balance can be checked live online at any time
  • Customize customer data - easy and password protected!
    • Automatic matching with WaVe, time-consuming typing of illegible card applications is no longer necessary
  • The last five visits directly at a glance
    • Live from WaVe
  • Request a bank statement by e-mail!
    • Within 15 min. the customer automatically receives an email with the account statement in PDF format
  • Always stay up to date
    • Compose messages - news, special promotions - in WaVe and they will be retrieved directly from the app
    • Send this news now also in parallel as a push message!
  • General info about your stores
    • e.g. address, contact details, opening hours, vehicle dimensions, etc.
  • Location search based on the current position
    • with permitted access to the location function of the smartphone
  • Call navigation, email and call functions directly from the app
  • App rating and recommendation function

To use the virtual loyalty card in the app, the customer has to activate it once by scanning it at a checkout after downloading it from the app stores, and it is already active on the smartphone - with all the benefits! If the customer brings their old card, the current balance can be transferred directly to the app. All general information about your location and the notification function are also already available immediately after the download.

The app is currently available for Android and iOS and is created individually for you in your corporate identity colors and your texts and is available exclusively for your location(s) in the Google and Apple app stores. For more information, please feel free to contact us by phone, email or via our contact form.

Take advantage of this new WaVe service...

  • to reduce the administrative burden,
  • to be able to pass on up-to-date information to even more customers,
  • but above all to offer your customers a modern and up-to-date payment function that appeals to the younger generation in particular - and thus the age group that is generally the most difficult to retain.